See Darrell's Annual Report to learn more.

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Ministry Initiatives

Podcasts & Sermons

Every month we release podcasts featuring a sermon from Darrell. Thousands listen each week on podcast apps and youtube. Sermon notes, social media posts, and videos enhance the learning experience.

Books & Writing

Darrell has written numerous books on the teachings of Jesus, Revelation, Genesis, and other Christian topics. He has more projects on his heart he hopes to continue to write and release to serve followers of Jesus.

Teaching & Courses

With involvement in conferences, pastoral gatherings, and academic settings, Darrell continues to invest in young pastors and preachers. He wants to enable as many as possible to understand the truths of scripture.

Your generosity makes all of this possible.

Partner Today

Giving It All Away

Darrell's desire is to give it all away in this season. His sermons, learnings, and time are an investment into the next generation of disciples.

Deep, profound, and yet accessible, this book is a spiritual classic. Darrell Johnson takes you on a journey to the center of the universe. Clasping your hands with the members of the Trinity, he ushers you into the joyous circle of the divine dance!


Pastor Tenth Church, Vancouver;
Bestselling Author of God in My Everything

Welcome Darrell Johnson as a serious and joyous preaching companion. All of us working pastors need a preacher like him in our life.


Translator of The Message, and Professor Emeritus of Spiritual
Theology, Regent College, Vancouver

Darrell Johnson continues to amaze me with his deep insights into the Scriptures. He lets curiosity and wonder lead him deeper into the person of Jesus through the biblical text. The most amazing thing happens when I spend time reading or listening to Darrell; I feel like I’ve encountered Jesus.


Author, Speaker, Advocate, Toronto

Discipleship on the Edge is my go-to book on Revelation. It is a perfect fusion of scholarship and real life application. Which is just like Darrell. The rigor of study meets the real world of pastoring people.


Senior Pastor, Village Church Canada

Very few people have made an impact on our lives like Pastor Darrell Johnson.


Lead Pastors, The Belonging Co, Nashville

From Darrell's Instagram

Thank you for considering supporting
The Pastorate's ministry with Darrell Johnson.

If you would like to make a gift, you can give by cheque, credit, or e-transfer. All giving is tax-deductible (CRA Charity #: 73353 9514 RR 0001) and you will be issued a tax receipt after the close of our fiscal year from the The Pastorate Ministries Canada. To learn more about The Pastorate, you can visit our website or email us at


Please make the cheque out to “The Pastorate Ministries Canada” and mail to:

The Pastorate Ministries Canada
630 19th St E
North Vancouver, BC
V7L 3A1

Restricted Gifts Policy

Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Should a donor choose to restrict a contribution for use in a particular program or project, we will honour that restriction, with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.

Interac E-Transfer

You can send an E-Transfer to, and we will send your charitable tax receipt to the email address you use to send your donation.

Credit Card

You can give either a one-time or recurring gift by credit card.

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