Revelation: Falling, Falling, Falling

Week 9 | In this message, Darrell shares his heart on how crucial it is to make sure you read the whole entirety of the Bible. We can be tempted to only read the comfortable texts, but instead we should seek to dive into the challenging ones as well as all scripture is divinely inspired. Revelation 17-19 is a terrifying text in many ways, but also inspiring because we’re getting a first-hand look at the future work of Jesus. John is revealing a drama on how when you build a city on weak, human foundations it will always fall to the ground. Babylon fell and now Jesus is revealing to John the unthinkable fall of Rome. Ultimately, we are left with the question, will we trust in human powers or will we worship Jesus?

First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, 2013 | Revelation 17:1-6, 18:1-19:6

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