Revelation | Week 4 | Darrell walks through the opening scene of the second act in the Book of Revelation. While John was worshipping God on the island of Patmos, God showed John a series of dramatic images of a worship that is already in progress. These images are a door to heaven, a lamb sitting on the throne, and a scroll that is to be opened. From these images, what observations can we make regarding the unseen realities of the present and the future? What are the deeper implications of these images and how we should live our lives today?
First, through Christ, it is safe to go through heaven’s door and approach the throne.
Second, the secret of history is that God wins through sacrificial love through Jesus.
Third, we reign with the ruler who is sitting on the throne when we participate and join in worshipping him.
First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, 2012 | Revelation 4 & 5
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