Week 10: Building a City Without God

Genesis Series | In this last message of our Genesis series, Darrell unpacks Genesis 11:1-9 where we read about the people of Babel who set out to build a city and a tower that they hope will reach to the heavens.  Darrell argues that the narrative describes a people who are ultimately on a quest for transcendence; a creative culture which seeks to live independently and without a true centre.  Reflecting on the pattern we have seen through the earlier chapters in Genesis – Grace, Rebellion, Judgement, then new Grace – Darrell shows us that, even after God comes down and frustrates this building of a human-centred society, there is still hope to come.  Indeed, we find a story of new grace emerging, a story that every broken city in the world is longing for.

Genesis Series | First Baptist Church, Vancouver, BC, 2010 | Genesis 11:1-9

This episode is brought to you by the Canadian Church Leaders Network.

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